Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Psst, want to get rich?

Quoted from a favorite newsletter:

God has a prosperity theology! I'm not making this up! There are two specific things we can do and if we do them, God promises to prosper us. Are you ready?

Number one: Meditate on God's WordJoshua 1:8. God commanded Joshua, as he was leading the children of Israel into the Promised Land, to meditate on the Word of God day and night and promised him that if he did so, God would make his way prosperous and successful! Who knew? (Me: This is the only place success is used in the King James Version.)

Psalm 1:1-3.
If our delight is in God's Word and we meditate on it day and night, then God says whatever we do will prosper!

Number two: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
Psalm 122:6. God commands us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and then promises that those who love Jerusalem (a signpost for Israel and her people) will prosper! Another aha! moment.

Do you pray for Israel? She's in sore need of our prayers today. She's surrounded on all sides by those who would like to see her people obliterated.
Do you understand that Israel is still the apple of God's eye and that He won't abide those who do her harm? ...
By Heidi Sandler


One of my characters, David, goes to Israel to find his Jewish roots. He finds that and more in that beautiful, troubled land.

I want as much prosperity as God knows I can handle without getting distracted from Him. See

Proverbs 30:7-9.

Jan Markell wrote Gone the Golden Dream, which I enjoyed long ago and far away. So I was happy to find her website a few years later, and receive her newsletters. Check'em out.

Jan Markell's Olive Tree Ministries.

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