Monday, December 31, 2012


Right in the middle of a passage on marriage, there's this: "to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word," speaking of Christ and the Church, Ephesians 5:26. 

Over time, I am falling more and more in love with the Word of God. It's alive, it says, and it feeds my spirit. If I skip a day or two of reading, I really miss it. That's how the Lord can change a person. He makes a wonderful promise, that He that begins a work in us will finish it. He's still workin on me, like the song says. He has His work cut out for Him, that's for sure. 

Thank You, Lord, for being faithful even when I am not. Looking forward to 2013 in You.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

C.S. Lewis and mysticism

Reading a book about C.S. Lewis, _Into the Region of Awe_. I tend to skip around in non-fiction, and this time, went to the last two chapters and learned: "Eventually, he would dismiss  his adolescent passion for the paranormal as a kind of 'spiritual lust' and dismiss the occult as a painted imposter of the true joy."

Interesting. I told a young woman near (related) and dear to me that a movie she wanted to show me was "spiritual porn," a desire for excitement in the wrong place. It was horrible, had to do with soul-stealing. {{{shudder}}} She thought my term disgusting. I told her she should think so.

OTOH, the book says Lewis "allowed for certain kinds of 'good magic'. He considered the kind of 'fairy' magic we find in Arthurian romances as basically innocent in contrast to the insidious Renaissance sorcery of spells, charms, and secret symbols. Fairy magic is merely a storytelling device [I wonder.] while Faustian magic is an actual attempt to wield occult powers in the real world." We know from Galatians 5 and Deuteronomy 18 or 28 that God hates sorcery and practitioners do not get into the Kingdom, so I'm just not sure how far God's definition of sorcery goes. Everyone must decide that for themselves--with God.

Then the first chapter says one of Lewis's favorite authors describes *mysticism* as "the direct intuition or experience of God" and "the difference between mystics and ordinary believers was their intensity of commitment: 'This happened to them, not because God loved and attended to them more than He does to us, but b/c they loved and attended to Him more than we do.'"

Another author "was sometimes asked how a person could tell the difference between a genuine mystical experience and a mere flight of imagination or an upsurge in religious feelings. His answer was, in part, that if you ever had one,you would know the difference." And another said, "every believer becomes a mystic in the act of prayer."

Into the Region of Awe: Mysticism in C.S. Lewis by David C. Downing

Good news!

Did you ever worry that you'll get to Heaven and still be your obnoxious, or at least, rebellious self? I have! So, I love this:

"but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away."

"in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed."

"Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is."

I don't think the first verse above refers to the completed Bible, I think it refers to the Second Coming. Then, we will be like Jesus--perfect! Yes! 

Meanwhile, we have and need all the Holy Spirit's ministry and power to live in victory in this world.  We need all the help we can get--I sure do!--and we are promised it right here: 
"So that you are not lacking in any gift, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.  God is faithful...."

 I Corinthians 1:7-8

    Until that which is perfect is come! 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Monday, February 06, 2012

Healed of Cerebral Palsy

Does anyone know Bob Turner? Tell him I'd love to chat with him, catch up. He had the most wonderful story to tell.

I met him years ago in a home meeting. He played the piano beautifully for our worship, then he gave his amazing testimony. I love to believe wonderful things and tell others, but I don't want us to be deceived. I wanted to verify Bob's story.

I did. I called his high school and asked the secretary if she remembered him. "Oh, yes," she said.

So I didn't put words in her mouth,  just asked what she remembered. She corroborated:

Bob was born with CP and at 14, his left side stopped growing. His left arm and leg were shorter and drawn up, and he walked with a dragging limp. His parents bought him an old piano for coordination therapy. He'd pound on it in frustration. But he still managed to learn a lot.

One night, a friend took him to a home prayer meeting and they laid hands on him and prayed. His left arm and leg straightened out and even his teeth on that side came in longer. 

His parents didn't believe it when he ran up the stairs to tell them. They had been through so much for so long. His mother put her pillow over her head. His father said, "Let's see if it's there in the morning."

It was.

He went back to school on Monday and teachers pulled him into their rooms to ask what happened. A Bible club was formed and at the end of the year, an assembly program speaker had to cancel, and Bob and the host of the home meeting were allowed to give their testimony to the whole school.

All this, the school secretary corrobrated--in her own words, not mine. Except for one mistake. She said, "He went to a revival..."

No. It was just a living room full of believers.

Bob spoke in several churches in the area, and in my living room twice. I made more friends on those occasions, strangers brought in by friends into my packed house.

It would seem that God is still in the healing business. Several times, the Bible says Jesus healed them "all." Acts 10:38. I don't know why all aren't healed who ask with faith today.

Nowhere does  Jesus refuse to heal anyone. Nowhere does He say, "I think I'll let you keep this affliction. It will make you more spiritual." But we have probably all seen situations where it does.

Nowhere does it say in the Bible the age of miracles is past.

In fact, I Corinthians 1:7-9 KJV says we are to come behind in no gift waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Great Commission in Matthew says to do all things He taught/commanded them, until the end of the age/world/cosmos. What things would that include? Matthew 10 says He told them to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils. Again, to the end of the world....

Miracles do seem to happen more on the mission field than in more  "sophisticated"  science oriented-countries. Like ours. Ask a missionary back from the foreign fields. When everyone else isn't around.

Is much of the Western church pretty Laodicean, a la Revelation 3? I wonder, but that's another topic for another day.

Some people are still gloriously healed right here and now, and I hope that knowing that builds faith.

And we can dwell on the Word, such as Isaiah 53:5, "With His stripes, we are healed." And "Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today, and forever." But if His plans don't coincide with ours, we should also remember that God has His plans for us, and they're all good. "All things work together for good for them them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose," Romans 8:28.

And who does the healing? We are told in Hebrews that Jesus is at the right hand of God. God and Jesus are seated in heaven. So, God's work on earth is done by the wonderful Holy Spirit.

James says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." I'm no expert. I just suspect that God appreciates it when we recognize all three aspects of Him in their different roles. Like it says in the hymn, Holy, Holy, Holy--God in THREE PERSONS, blessed Trinity.

Too often today, we fail to mention one of these blessed Persons, God on earth today, the Holy Spirit, rather than act and believe for Him to minister accordingly, his gifts of the Holy Spirit. Healing, in Bob's case.

My novel's heroine's little girl is very ill and a new believer prays for her. This believer just lost a loved one, himself. He says he doesn't know why everyone isn't healed. He just knows that healing was part of the work of the cross. "With His stripes we are healed." So he prays for the toddler in faith, believing, and....

Pray for me to get a publisher and you can read the book and find out. LOL Thanks!

As for Bob Turner, he doesn't have all the answers, either. But he did get his healing, praise God. May we see more healings like his.

To read what a Southern Baptist missionary personally told me about another part of the Great Commission--casting out demons in Indonesia--click here.

God bless~

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

God still likes it!

Just looked up "exult" in the dictionary after reading in Psalm 9, "I will give thanks with my whole ♥...I will be glad and *exult* in You."

The dictionaries talk about being exceedingly glad and spinning and leaping for joy. Beth Moore brings it out, too. However, the dictionary says the leaping part is obsolete.

I wonder if God knows that? LOL

Psalms 149-150 say to praise Him with singing and dancing. What if God walked up to us in church and said, "Shall we dance?" What would we say? That's obsolete? Malachi 3 says God doesn't change.

We don't want miracles to be obsolete when we need one. But we tell Him some things He wants are obsolete.

We really are a "peculiar people."

Friday, January 06, 2012

Just attended the funeral of a dear saint at my former church. "Blessed in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His saints."

So good to be with these sweet people again. Wish I could be in two places at once--or at least go back and forth fast like Philip of Caesarea.

One thing is certain, we're all going to leave this world. 
I hope all my Facebook friends will be with me in Heaven one day. 

This precious saint I mentioned is with Jesus now and I know I will see him again. 

But how can we possibly know? And isn't that pretty arrogant?

No. It's a matter of believing this:

"These things I have written unto you that believe on the name (i.d., power, authority) of the Son of God, that you may know you have eternal life...." I John 5:13

Jesus had the chutzpah to say, "I AM the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." That is, receiving God's forgiveness and eternal life now and later by acknowledging those are our own personal my ways He died for on the cross, and by making Him our own Lord to follow, love and obey.

So, if you'd like this same wonderful assurance of where you will spend eternity, please scroll way down the right margin and just press the Ready button....  : )