Monday, March 16, 2009

Wordless main character, not! "If MY PEOPLE...."

My main character, Maggie, would not do well with Wordless Wednesday.

An emotional artist, she accepts the stereotype. She has deep feelings, and some of them pop out of her mouth and get her in trouble. When someone she loves dies in a tragic accident, she tells God to just leave her alone. Turning her back on Heaven, she strides into her house. And from the corner of her eye, she sees a dark shadow.

How many of us have ever felt anger with God? Moses and Jeremiah both did. And God understood and loved them anyway.

How many of us have turned our backs on God? The Prodigal did, and when he turned back to God, God received him home.

We have a God who is "slow to anger," because He "remembers that we are dust."

But He does have His limits. He does promise to "scourge all that He receives."

That's why He writes this startling promise to His own followers:

If MY PEOPLE who are called by my name [like all those who follow Him and claim His name. In my case, Christ-ian. Christ follower.]

will humble themselves [like, "Don't make me come down there and humble, or worse, humiliate you."]

and pray [like, "Spend time to sit and talk to me."]

and seek my face [like, "While you're talking, try listening, too--find out what I love--try obedience, John 14:21, and see me move in your life. And find out what really bugs me--as in Deuteronomy 18. Quit turning to the occult for amusement, for starters. I HATE it. Instead, 'shine like stars,' Philippians 2:14-16. 'Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.'" Acts 2:40]

and turn from their wicked ways [like, "I'm talking to you, too, Margo, and everyone else out there. I love you, you are one of mine, you are saved, but I cannot look upon sin. You might not do big, horrible, scarlet sins. But the tiniest dingy gray sin still put Jesus on the cross."]

then [like, "You determine when."]

will I hear from Heaven ["I look forward to hearing from you all."]

and forgive your sin ["every last one, dingy gray or huge and scarlet"]

and heal your land. II Chronicles 7:14

I leave that last line to others' interpretation.

On the one hand, I want us all to put God's ways first in our lives so He will heal our land. And I believe, up to a point, He will. That's why I bring it up here.

On the other hand, I wonder if we have time for Him to fully heal our land. I read this website every few days: Rapture Ready . To me, things are falling into place. Of course, my friends do not have to agree with me.

Maggie wouldn't. She has never heard of such things in her church. And she's focused on raising her child and on her career. But when her friend goes to Israel and flies in the Six Day War, some of these things loom larger than before. And Maggie begins to wonder if she made the right decision in turning her heart away from the Lord.

There is a little similarity between Maggie and me, such as our love of art, which is coincidental, and the root of our name. It has to do with what she learns about her name--that even when she rebelled, God had His hand on her all along.

And when her heart turns toward Him once more, He welcomes her home.

1 comment:

Cyndy Salzmann said...

Margo - I so agree! Things are definitely falling into place -- and makes me want to use my time wisely to glorify Him. : )